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Artistic Story Crafters




What is this membership program?


I am so glad you ask!


We are a community of authors, editors, copywriters, & marketers!


This membership is for opening up your inner story and pulling it from the depths of darkness where it has been hidden until now. Find the right tools you need when you need them. Finding the support without the negativity!


I have found the best way to help aspiring authors is on an ongoing basis, month after month, it helps them get things done!


As a member, you get just that, a networking group for finding the assistance you need from the right expert for your needs. Here to ask and answer those questions that stop you from becoming the one looking back saying I should have, but I didn't. This community is here to assist current and future authors find a safe place to ask questions and get answers.


The only dumb question is the one not asked!


Join Today!




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