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Letter "R"

Writer's picture: DM SimpsonDM Simpson

Topic: Redrafts

Redrafts are a part of every writer's life. Redrafts are done in every part of the writing process. The first draft a writer puts down is never perfect or the final product. Most writers before they even give it to a beta reader(s) or an editor do several redrafts. Then do additional redrafts after getting comments or suggestions from the beta reader(s).

I would say it is safe to say writers will do easily five to six redrafts before they feel they are even close to putting their work out for publication. I am currently on my fourth redraft and will hit my fifth with the comments and suggestions from my editor.

Redrafts are the writer's version of edits but they are the same as the edits provided by an editor. For me, I go back through and see if there is a better way to say what I have said in fewer words or better words to say what I have said to make the story better.

Every writer wants to make their story the best it can be which is why they do so many redrafts before the story is every put out for the actual public to read. Writers strive for perfection even though we all know perfection is unattainable because no matter what someone will find something wrong be it just their opinion, it will still be something wrong rendering it less than perfect.

Writers life: write, redraft, redraft, beta read, redraft, editor, redraft and one more redraft, oh wait I need to do one more redraft then I'm done.

Redrafts are a writers path to perfection...or a writers insanity.


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