I am proud and excited to announce the release of my first mystery thriller "Pensaré". It has been a long time coming. The time it has taken to get to this point from start to finish has been a truly fantastic adventure. I started this journey through a contest suggested to me by a great friend. I had never written a thriller before so it was a new genre for me. It opened a whole new side of writing.
I had a lot of support and suggestions but since it was my first it was just like when I wrote my first romance I stuck to specific parameters so the first one is short but I am not sticking to any parameters with the second one.
The best part of it all is I have fulfilled and met my goal of publishing my first ever mystery thriller. I am really excited to see where this finished product takes me from here.
Thank you to my wonderful sister from another mother, Wendy Johnson and a huge thank you to my editor Kathy Reynolds for all you hard work and dedication to helping me achieve this finished product. Love to all my family and friends who have encouraged, supported, and stuck by me through this process!