Well, I have finally came through to the other side.
I know I have been a little MIA the past two weeks. I caught COVID after all this time. Not sure where, or how but it was not an awesome gift for my anniversary.
Now, I recall how the second vaccine shot knocked me on my butt, but this was somewhat different. I was knocked on my butt for a full 24 hours, sleeping and no energy.
The no energy last about 4 days but the part that really got me was the sever sore throat. I had a dry cough with occasional flehm (no discoloration) and nothing over the counter worked for long - Dayquil, NyQuil, Robitussin, or throat Louganis.
You know what did work...Yup, ice cream, ice cubes, & warm honey tea. So, basically I was on a liquid diet to sooth my throat.
Sleeping proved to be very difficult after the first 24 hours, I couldn't sleep flat, had to be at an angle. Do you know how hard it is to get comfortable sitting up (basically) to sleep. I do not recommend it!
And oh the coughing none stop at times. The (non) joy of a weak bladdar! They say getting older you tend to slip up an pee a little when you sneeze, cough, or laugh too hard, well this past week I learned to be happy with the little slips because the gushing water falls I expereinced while sick were so not lady like. Not that any of us are lady like when we are sick but still who wants to have to do laundry when they are sick because they ran out of pants?
On the positive side, I can now say, I made it through and came out on the other side of COVID (I would not recommend catching it) and recovering nicely. I thank you all for not abandoning me while I was away without a word.