Some could say that writing is busy work, to me it all depends on what is being written!
I get excited when ideas and images start igniting in my mind. It is my "sign" telling me what I should be writing.
What are your "signs" for what you should be writing?
I love the creativity in writing and the sparks and tingles I get when I am writing.
My process is what most would call "panser" and I am perfectly okay with that. I am an imagery writer. If I can not see the scene unfolding as I write then the story is not flowing for me.
Being an imagery writer makes the writing process fun and exciting for me because I never know where the scene is going to take me next. It is like watching a movie in my mind coming together and telling me what to write.
You know those questions, about numbers, do you see the word "one" or do you see "1" - this is how writing is for me, I don't see the words, I see the image. What do you see when you write?