That meh feeling...
Do you ever have one of those days you just feel meh? There is no good or bad - happy or sad about it, it's just meh.
I made it to day six for the first time in this journey of habit creation. However, my mood, which should be happy and accomplished, alas is just meh.
I was so tempted to just ignore the alarm this morning. I even closed my eyes and thought about it for a second or two.
Pulled myself up and out of bed, and moved somewhat sluggishly but I was moving and not lying in the bed. Pushed through the morning routine but the meh mood is still hanging over my head like a heavy rain cloud.
Lack of energy despite sleep, seated yoga, and following the normal routine is just not the way I wanted to do my Friday. The only silver lining is, it is Friday, the work week is over and day six is moving into day seven.