Okay so I get emails daily from Word Genuis and I love it because I get to learn a new word every email. I usually get two or three a day. Well this one surprised me because when I say it in the subject line I went, "ooh I know this one."
Well guess what folks, I learned there were two meanings for this particular word that I had only heard used to describe something that happens to your eyes, yup you guessed it, the word is "Cataract." So, most of us know the one definision - A medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision - did you also know that this happens so the eye can protect itself?
The definision I did not know for this word cataract is - A large waterfall; a sudden rush of water; a downpour. Now I have to ask how many of you knew this definision? Has anyone ever heard of a waterfall being described as a beautiful cataract? Not me but you better believe I will be using it the next time I visit a waterfall.